We’re starting a webinar club!

2019-2020, Digital Meet-up, Networking, Professional Development, Webinar club
KWG Editors Canada is starting a webinar club!

You can focus on professional development, be accountable, learn something new, share expertise, and meet other KWG members across southwestern Ontario from the comfort of your own space.

Please RSVP by February 29, 2020.


Here are more details from one of our coordinators, Sophie:
Hi everyone!
I work in-house full time, which means I’m not often able to attend the live webinars that I would like, especially those held on weekday afternoons. For all of 2019 I fully intended to buy webinar recordings and watch them on my own, but I managed this exactly zero times. To paraphrase Gretchen Rubin, what can happen any time often happens at no time, and I think some outer accountability is in order. Does anyone else have this problem? Would there be any interest in a “book club” for webinar recordings?
How I envision this:

• If you’re interested, contact me with suggestions of available webinar recordings that you would like to discuss.

• A webinar would be chosen and a date worked out with those intending to participate in the discussion.

• This date would be the deadline for purchasing and watching the recording: you would be expected to have run the webinar prior to us meeting, rather than us getting together to watch the webinar.

• With membership discounts, purchasing about ten webinar recordings in a year off-sets the price of membership, so these meetings would run almost-monthly (ideally).

• Participation does not require commitment: you could participate once and skip the next nine, no questions asked.

• Discussions are open to members and non-members.

• Discussion meetings could be attended in-person or virtually.

If you’d like to participate in something like this, feel free to let me know which webinars you would most like to discuss at sblom@editors.ca or kwg.twig@editors.ca

Photo by DISRUPTIVO on Unsplash

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